Currently Listening To : Princess Hours - Perhaps Love
Finally I have the chance to use the computer and get online .
And of cos finally I have the chance to blog (:
I've forgotten what had happened on Tuesday T.T
So I'll blog about the rest of the days .
WednesdayFirst period was Geography ,
Ms Teo told our class to put our bags in the classroom ,
then we will have to go down to the Music Room .
All of us doesn't know what we will be doing there , so we just went .
When we reached Music Room , we were asked to sit inside .
At first , all of the 1C students was sitting at the back of the Music Room .
Then Ms Teo told our class to move forward & cover up the gaps .
Those students from 1E were talking here and there ,
one of the student from our class ( don't know who ) shouted ' Shut Up La ! '
Then Ms Teo was damn fed up , as 1E is her form class .
Then she asked the person who had shouted that to own up , but he didn't .
So the whole of our class will have to sit outside the Music Room ,
while 1E will be sitting inside the Music Room watching the movie .
Obviously , Ms Teo was being biased . 1E was the one who's damn noisy at first ,
they made even much more noise than us , 1C do .
But Ms Teo only gave our class a scolding instead of her form class .
So sat outside , got loads & loads of naggings and scoldings from Ms Teo .
Finally the bell rang and there came Ms Ng for our Biology lesson ,
Ms Teo asked some of the quiet students to enter the Music Room .
The others ( including me ) will have to remain outside T.T
Then Ms Ng came to the Music Room as well to watch the movie .
She doesn't know the main reason of us sitting outside the Music Room ,
but she gave us scoldings and scoldings one after another ,
then asked us to stand instead of sitting down .
We were punished to stand outside the Music Room for 1 hour for no reason !
So we were damn fed up , damn angry at that idiotic Ms Ng .
After 1 hour , she asked us to go inside the Music Room & stacked up the chairs .
After finish stacking up the chairs , we were asked to stand one row .
Then she nagged at us , saying that we were the worst express students & etc .
Then after her idiotic lesson of scoldings was recess .
Then was Chinese lesson ,
I was reading the Chinese storybook given throughout the whole of the lesson .
Then was F&N period , the first 1 hour period of that was spent in the AVA room .
We watched ' I-Robot ' , but I was sleeping throughout the whole lesson .
Then we went back to our class to retrieve back our results for SA2 ,
but the results of our class was still not yet out .
So we'll have to wait till Thursday (:
ThursdayThursday's timetable was fully re-arranged .
First period was actually Math ,
but because we have to retrieve back our results for SA2 ,
Mdm Lisda came to our class and gave us back our results .
Was glad that I was promoted to Sec 2 Express successfully (:
But what was saddening is , Nicky's going to transfer to Sec 2 NA .
That's really saddening , he's always the one to cheer 1C up !
After that was actually English lesson , but Ms Lee came for Literature .
Had drama lessons for the whole lesson , was damn fun & interesting :D
Then was recess , spent the whole recess with Lollipop Gang .
Then after recess was Humanities ( or how it's gonna be spelled ) ,
our F&N teacher came in and showed us a video about Singapore .
But I was sleeping throughout the lesson , AGAIN . I'm always sleeping in class (:
Then we have to go to the hall to watch a very boring chinese movie T.T
But we were all slacking here & there ,
laogong wanted to listen to his Mp3 player but it seemed to be so hard :x
Skipped CCA after school , went to hide in different corners .
Was hiding at the backstage corner there but OM came to check it out after that ,
so both laogong & I will have to run and hide .
Then we loitered around the school , and finally went out after that .
Went to sit at the nearby void deck , went back home at 9+ .
Friday aka YesterdayThe whole of yesterday's schooltime was spent inside the hall .
Had loads & loads of programmes , but they were all held in the hall .
1C & 1E have to go for the New Water trip ,
but both Jiaxin & I didn't receive the consent form for the trip .
So we ended up joining 1B for the day .
Had programme on dance & talk about Hari Raya at first ,
then we went for our recess , so called ' break ' .
Then went back to the hall , had band performances . But was kinda boring :Then we had a 20 minute break after that .
Have to go back to the hall again for programme ,
it was about Indian culture etc , the song & music of it was damn irritating lah .
All of us can't stand it alright ? LOL .
Then we had our dismissal FINALLY .
Went to the canteen to have lunch , then went to the basketball court ,
to watch laogong play basketball :D
But I ended up sitting there listening to his Mp3 player .
Then Jiaxin went off for CCA , I skipped CCA again for yesterday .
I'm sure to get scoldings from any of the CO teachers on Monday T.T
Slacked near the basketball court , and went out of school .
Sat at the nearby void deck again and talked to laogong about many things .
Then I accompanied him to wait for his bus , as I don't wish to go home early .
Met Liting Nuer at the opposite bus-stop , then went to Lot 1 .
Had my Ez-link card topped up and went to buy some food stuffs at the funfair (:
Went to wait for the bus after that , met Liting Nuer again .
The bus was damn dark & quiet lah , lols .
Reached home , had a rest , bathed & etc .
Called laogong to chat on the phone but both of us end up dozing off , haha :D
Had been rotting ever since I woke up till now ,
it's so damn boring ohkay ? There's nothing for me to do at all lah T.T
Luckily there's this ' Bump Off Lover ' for me to watch later on .
And this horror show , something to do with MRT track to watch at night .
And and and ,
I'm yearning to watch ' Silk ' and ' Death Note ' alright ?
I must must
must catch this two movies ,
even if I have to catch it on my own ! xD
Woah , have quite a number of tags to reply .
{ Replies Of Tags ! }
anonymous: LOL ! Nah , not pretty not cute (:
YUINPING(:: I love sunshine many many too :D
YINJIE.: Okay , I will update pics if I have taken some alright .
JERMIN: Alright thanks ! <3
passer-by: I doesn't put the make-up on my own alright .
....: Eh ? Hello .
mayling: Haha of cos I still remember you (:
yizhen: Okay thanks for tagging !
baby boy Jer: Thanks laogong for tagging :D Muack Muack ! I miss you . Wo ai ni ! <3
CHERYL;twss: Thanks for your compliment (x
arseguy: Eh ? T.T
Alex: Erm , no comments .
*: Nope , she doesn't . She took my friend's codes .
EUGENIA: Alright :D
JANICE: Okay thanks precious , take care too !
*****: Alright , whatever it is .
WENHUI!{: Yeah I know (:
wanting: Hahah no lah , pardon me for being so lame & crazy anyway .
JOELYNTANYIYING !: SWEETPIE <3 Okay sure no problem .
passerby: Nah , I have no idea .
ESTHER: Alright , you take care too :D
BRENDAA: Hello ! I miss girlfriend tooooo <3
CHLOE NG: Hao de .
michaela(:: Hahah alright no problem (:
Delong: Thanks korkor for tagging !
LOL ;: Lols , it's difficult to explain .
lala(:: Yeah I put eyeliner , not make-up too often .
janiine: Okay thanks :D
; R U I F E N (: Jie , I'll tag for you when I'm free okay ? Takecare <3
passer-By: Thanks thanks (:
passer-by: Thank you !
Vivian: I love marmie many many can ? Takecare :DD
BEL :D: Alright . Glad to hear that then [:
someone: I post it at posting .
Wei Qin: Thanks for tagging (: See ya around !
passerby: Alright thank you than you :D
adf: I know , thanks for telling (:
esthherr: You did copied , don't deny .
PinJia: Your welcome alright , it's my pleasure anyway :D
BELINDA (:: Hello ! I miss you too <3
char-maine: Oh okay , thanks for your comments (:
Leibing (: Done the tag ! Heheh , takecare many <3
XiaoJun: Hahah okay okay , thanks for your tags alright [:
- AMANDA: Oh please , don't quarrel with whose idiotic spammers .
rouping: Yeah sure (:
MICHLELLE IS ASS: Erm , I didn't even say that I'm a chiobu or whatever shit . Say whatever you wanna say , you simply have no common sense .
TO AMANDA: Lols =.-
weiiweii: Hahah , don't care them lah . I'll relink you (:
ELFIE: Thanks for everything [:
passer by`: Thanks for your help (:
No pictures for this few days ,
I'm sorry for that .
Will update pictures soon if I've taken some :D
Takecare peepo ! <3